Celebrating 25th Year of our Website!

Advanced Business Technology


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Use the Browse... button to locate the file you wish to UPLOAD. Then, click UPLOAD MY FILE.

Please provide contact information

If you upload a LISTCAT ALL listing of a VSAM catalog, we will perform a one-time analysis for free. When your analysis reports have been created, you will receive an email containing download LINKs to retrieve your reports. We will be happy to review the results with you and answer any questions you may have.

There are four reports generated:

  • File details
  • Statistical Summary
  • Exception Summaary
  • Recommendations

We are confident that we can make significant cost reductions for you. Your online performance will improve and your batch processing will be faster. The result will be a decrease in CPU usage and contention for disk drives. Required disk space will be less and the cost/need to add additional disk hardware can be deferred into the future.

Contact Us

Phone: (714) 505-0676

Email: info@softdata.com